Vitamin and mineral deficiencies and what foods have them.

Seven most common muscles that cause chronic and acute pain.

Upper Trapezius and mid Trapezius - Headaches sore neck

Gluteus Maximus, Minimus and Medius group - Low back,  backside leg and calf pain.

Quad Group - Pain deep in Cheek of Backside, and knee pain.

Biceps Brachi -  Shoulder pain.

Latismus Dorsi - Uneven shoulder girdle and side pain.

Anterior Tibialis - Sore arch of foot and ankle

Gastrocnemius  and Soleus - Sore heel and back of calf.

Other causes of muscle pain that need to be taken into consideration. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies, particularly magnesium, zinc, vitamin b complex, calcium and Vitamin D.

Chronic diseases, Cardiovascular diseases, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes.